Use your time wisely: try new things!


Lauren Weiner’s perspective:
This quarantine has led to many teenagers failing classes, eating a plethora of chips, and responding to texts at five PM saying “sorry I just woke up.”

Why? Yeah, quarantine can be boring. Sometimes, sitting in your house all day can make you feel imprisoned. But there are tons of activities you can do with your fellow prison mates or just in your own cell that can keep you entertained. There’s also an accessible amount of gratitude one should have for this long vacay from a busy schedule.

This shelter in place has led to many games of Yahtzee with my family, healthy eating habits, and mental clarity that I never had waking up at 7 on a school day.
Dye your hair, clean your closet, become Picasso. There’s an insane amount of things you can try considering most students have an entire 24 hours, seven days a week to explore new things. The sky’s the limit!

Not only can you experiment with different skills or ideas, but think about how lucky this is.

In what other time of your high school career have you been able to wake up at 10 am and have a 2-hour school sesh? In what other time have you been able to take a step back from that toxic friend or petty ex?
This is a perfect time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy.

Alejandra Vega’s perspective:
Quarantine, noun: a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease. No school, no work for most and absolutely all the time in the world to do anything.

Coming from someone who has been busy with sports, clubs, a job and school, I can definitely say that there are so many things that I can do or try that I might not have been able to do before.

With so much time, what are kids doing to occupy themselves? Well, some, including myself, have things that they’ve always wanted to do or try but maybe never had the time. This would include taking an interest in art, nature, and even bonding more with family.

I have always wanted to try my hand in art and painting. This past couple of weeks, I have been painting on anything and everything. This time is a perfect way to explore your interests. For most, college is not too far away and some still have no clue as to what they want to do.

Sadly, art really is not my thing. I would not have known that without trying, and especially without all of this extra time we have now.

All in all, try new things during this time. Now is the best time for it!