Student places #1 in national German exam


Senior Daniel Perille is shown above.


  • When did you take the National German Exam, and how did you place?

“I’ve taken the National German Exam all four years of high school, and I have placed in the top 10% each time. This year, the exam was on January 16th, and I ended up placing #1 in my level.”


  • How long have you been taking German in school?

“This year is my seventh year taking German in school. It started back in sixth grade with Frau Hopkins, who really made it an enjoyable subject to learn and all of my teachers since then have been just as amazing. Frau Wasil especially has been the reason I’ve grown so invested in German.”


  • Why did you choose to learn German?

“When we had to choose a language in sixth grade, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Though most of my friends were opting for Spanish, I had always heard my family talk about our German ancestry, so I figured taking German would allow me to learn more about my family history. Also, I’m interested in working in an engineering/technology field, and I knew that Germany was a leader in those areas, so I figured it would eventually help my career too.”


  • In your opinion, what are the benefits of learning a world language?

“Even though English is becoming more and more universal, a second language opens up possibilities to interact with more people. For one, it helps immensely with job opportunities and makes you much more hirable. But on a more personal level, knowing another language opens up a whole new culture to explore and allows you to gain a new cultural perspective on things. Traveling, too, is a lot more enjoyable if you actually know the language and can interact with the people there.”



  • Do you have any plans to study German after high school?

“Yes, for sure. I will be majoring in computer science in college next year, but I know for sure that I will be doing at least a minor in German and possibly a major if my course schedule allows for it. Regardless, I hope to study abroad or intern in Germany during college as well in order to experience the language and culture firsthand, as well as to learn more about their technology field. Beyond college, I will definitely continue exploring German because it ties in so well to the career goals I have.”


  • What would you tell students who are inspired by your success?

“I would say to take advantage of all the opportunities you have. BHS really does have an incredible world language department, so there are so many ways to become more involved in any of the languages offered here. And outside of school, there are so many ways to learn a language further—TV shows, music, news, books, etc. Learning a language really can happen any way you want it to, so if you’re wanting to do so, seek out any and all opportunities you have to immerse yourself further.”