New Student Council executive board

The new Student Council executive board was voted in this past month, to serve as the leaders of student government for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. The new board includes:


President: Diego Garcia, junior (replacing senior Lauren Carder)

Vice President: Anushka Agrawal, junior (replacing senior Madi Scariano)

School Board Liaison: Emma Seifert, junior (replacing senior Delaney Nelson)

Secretary: Nithya Anand, junior  (replacing Senior Anne MacDonald)

Treasurer: Christopher Vu, junior (replacing junior Anushka Agrawal)

Parliamentarian: Aashna Patel, junior (replacing junior Diego Garcia)


Junior Emma Seifert will become the new School Board Liaison for the next school year, where she will be responsible for speaking at school board meetings once a month to represent the student body.

“I decided to run for school board liaison because I think it’s important to get to know my community more and play a more involved role in the school district,” Seifert said. “Being the oldest of five siblings in my family, I want to set a good example and make sure I leave Barrington in the best of hands, and taking a bigger part in the community and sharing my opinion are ways I think I can make a difference.”

Seifert sees it as important to have a student representative at school board meetings, to makes sure the voices of the student body is heard.

“I think it’s important to have a student representative speak to the board, just because of how removed the administration can be sometimes to student issues and day to day life at the high school,” she said. “As we’ve seen with the controversy over the iPads and new finals schedule, having student input for large decisions can be crucial to the success of the district.”

Seifert is excited for the upcoming year and the changes she thinks the new executive board will make in their time as council leaders.

“I’m excited for the next school year,” Seifert said. “I think our exec board for next year is capable of making a lot of great changes to the school. In terms of school board meetings, I’m a little nervous. I know [Delaney] did such a great job this year, so I’m only hoping to fill [Delaney’s] shoes!”