Is prom overrated?

Lily Werner is shown above celebrating her Junior Prom with her buds!

This past Saturday was Prom with the theme of Wish Upon a Star. Juniors dressed up and experienced this dance for the very first time. From pictures to dinner to the dance itself, juniors were given the opportunity to form their own opinion regarding the night. Here are just a few that answer the question…

“Do you think Prom is overrated? Why or why not?”


Junior Henry Wachsman:

“Prom was a super fun time and I definitely did not regret going. It was fun hanging with all my friends for pictures, dinner and especially the dance.”



Junior Alexa Schmid

“ I had a lot of fun at prom with my friends, but, from what I experienced, it is just like a normal school dance with people in more formal dress. Entertaining, but overrated.”



Junior Delaney Brienan

“Prom is a really great time where you get to dance and have a fun time with your friends. While it’s similar to other school dances, I don’t think it’s overrated. I think it’s something people should go to at least once.”