Call of Duty Warzone Review


First, it was Fortnite–the ever so popular product of Epic Games. Now, it is the newest creation of Activision: Call of Duty Warzone. Both Battle Royale games are free to play, with the right console of course, and can be enjoyed alone, or with up to three other friends. But, what’s the difference between the two? The way I would describe the difference between Warzone and Fortnite is that Warzone is better in every facet, but definitely won’t grow as popular as Fortnite at its peak. Warzone is realistic whereas Fortnite has Deadpool, Stormtroopers and John Wick. Since Fortnite hasn’t been so popular for about a year and a half, there has been a void needed to be filled in the hearts of casual gamers, and try hards alike.

For those who have no idea what any of the above was about, and want an explanation to all of these videos you see on Instagram and Tok Tok referencing Warzone, or the Gulag, I’ll give a quick explanation. The premise of the game is simple: 150 people in teams ranging from 1-4, parachute out of a plane and try to survive to be the last team alive. Along the way, players collect weapons, ammo, money and shields to use in their quest to victory. As time goes by, poison gas from the outer parts of the map closes in to create a smaller and smaller circle. As for the Gulag, it is a second chance. The first time you die in a game, you get to fight another player for the chance to respawn back into the game, and enact revenge on your killer. It is dubbed Gulag because the 1v1 battle takes place inside of a big, dirty, grimy shower system.

Warzone was released March 10, just a few days before this whole fiasco took shape. It was a perfect time to release a game with everyone stuck inside with nothing to do. Personally, the first week we were mandated to stay home, I probably played close to 40 hours of Warzone, and only got 3 wins to show for it. While extremely challenging, and filled with seasoned cod players that can hit snipes from further than I can see. Overall, it is a load of fun to get the boys online and work towards a goal. If you have an Xbox One, PS4 or Gaming PC and a few friends to play with, this game is for you. It might take a little getting used to the map and style, especially when everyone’s been playing for hours on end in recent weeks, but it’s free. What do you have to lose?