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  • Winter Break: Dec. 23-Jan. 6
  • Board of Education Meeting - Jan. 7
  • Fine Arts Open House - Jan. 9
  • Sensory Friendly Concert - Jan. 11
  • FAFSA Completion Workshop - Jan. 14
  • BHS/BMS Choir Festival - Jan. 14
  • Giordano Dance Concert - Jan. 18
  • MLK Day, No School - Jan. 20
  • BHS & BMS Jazz Festival - Jan. 22
  • ILMEA/IMEC All State Music Festival: Jan. 29-Feb. 1
The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

All content by Gia Vieceli
The power of manifestation

The power of manifestation

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published March 31, 2021

Manifestation is all around us, from the things that we do to the stuff we speak aloud. However, it's experienced a surge in the past year due to media (such as Tiktok), books and just word of mouth. Manifestation...

The end of traditional snow days

The end of traditional snow days

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published March 17, 2021

Sleeping in past noon, going out to play in the flurries, snuggling up on the couch to watch movies with family and drinking hot chocolate. These are all common activities on a snow day. Many schools...

'Spin N Curl' hair curler: Amazon review

‘Spin N Curl’ hair curler: Amazon review

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published December 22, 2020

There are endless kinds of products used to curl hair. From the classic curling iron to curling wands, hair crimpers, pin curls, hair rollers and more; the list is honestly endless. I have tried most...

Perks of rescue animals

Perks of rescue animals

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published December 6, 2020

Dirty, scared, and flea-ridden. Wandering the streets, ducking into alleyways for refuge, and eating scraps out of trash cans. These are the conditions that some stray animals live in, out alone on the...

It's the little things

It’s the little things

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published November 30, 2020

"The little things" showcases all of the small things, or events, in everyday life, that I think we should be grateful for. These are all things that people experience/have daily and are often taken for...

Downtown Barrington reopening update

Downtown Barrington reopening update

Gia Vieceli, Social Media Team
Published October 21, 2020

Downtown Barrington managers, workers and village board members have worked together to create the safest way to reopen their establishments since temporarily shutting down in late March due to Covid. Melanie...

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