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  • Winter Break: Dec. 23-Jan. 6
  • Board of Education Meeting - Jan. 7
  • Fine Arts Open House - Jan. 9
  • Sensory Friendly Concert - Jan. 11
  • FAFSA Completion Workshop - Jan. 14
  • BHS/BMS Choir Festival - Jan. 14
  • Giordano Dance Concert - Jan. 18
  • MLK Day, No School - Jan. 20
  • BHS & BMS Jazz Festival - Jan. 22
  • ILMEA/IMEC All State Music Festival: Jan. 29-Feb. 1
The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

Isabel Sesin

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief

All content by Isabel Sesin
Meet the editor: Isabel Sesin

Meet the editor: Isabel Sesin

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 20, 2022

Hi! My name is Isabel Sesin and I am one of the three editors-in-chief this year. This is my fourth and final year in Journalism. Signing up for electives in 8th grade, I thought that this class would...

Snowflake leaders advocate for healthy lifestyles

Snowflake leaders advocate for healthy lifestyles

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published March 13, 2021

Leading a small group discussion at Snowflake, Junior Lily Dale talks about ways to live a healthy life. At Snowflake, the group leaders were expected to lead and engage in discussions with the middle...

POTW: Picture day

POTW: Picture day

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published November 15, 2020

This is the setup for picture day. Students reserve their time slot for their picture on the Start-Rodgers website and these slots are offered November 9th, 10th, 12th, and 13th from 3:00PM to 7:00PM....

College Board announces AP updates

Roberto Alvarez, Isabel Sesin, and Sarah Quig
Published April 22, 2020

Due to COVID-19, AP exams can no longer be held in school and are shifting online, resulting in several key format changes. The College Board has been working alongside students to develop resources vital...

Isabel Sesin, Staff Writer

Isabel Sesin, Staff Writer

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 30, 2020

BHS athletes selected for national camp

BHS athletes selected for national camp

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 18, 2020

Student-athletes all around the country train during their offseason to better their game. There are elite invite swim camps for athletes to better understand the sport and meet others from around the...

Real tree vs. fake tree

Real tree vs. fake tree

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 18, 2020

The smell of Christmas is different for many people, but for me, it’s the smell of an evergreen Christmas tree. When I walk in my house at the end of the day, or when I wake up and smell my Christmas...

POTW: Carolyn Dirks Swimming

POTW: Carolyn Dirks Swimming

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 18, 2020

How bout' some history?

How bout’ some history?

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published October 27, 2019

In 2015 when the music for the Broadway production of Alexander Hamilton was released, all my friends raved about how good it was. I wanted to be different so I didn’t listen to music until late 2016...

HOB: Hoco weekend!

HOB: Hoco weekend!

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published October 18, 2019

“I had a lot of fun with my friends and the parties were a lot of fun. The music was a lot better this year than last year. My low was that when I was curling my hair, I burnt myself and that hurt. I...

HOB: Hoco weekend!

HOB: Hoco weekend!

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published October 18, 2019

“My high this weekend was learning how to play poker with my friends. My low was slipping in the mud because I was wearing a white sweatshirt and the night was only a third of the way over. It was okay...

How bout' some history?

How bout’ some history?

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published September 29, 2019

History is one of the subjects people have iffy feelings about. Some people, like my dad, are history buffs and love all things history whereas others despise the subject. I fall in the middle; I think...

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published September 25, 2019

On the Basis of Sex combines gender discrimination that was enshrined in American law and the concept of "equal justice for all."

Equality and justice for all sexes

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published February 12, 2019

Many people may recognize Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the second woman on the Supreme Court or the lawyer/judge who just will not die. On the Basis of Sex was directed by Mimi Leder, the first female to graduate...

Isabel Sesin, writer.

Pressures of perfection

Isabel Sesin, Editor-in-Chief
Published January 17, 2019

Whenever you hear the word “pressure,” you might think of two definitions; the science meaning or stress meaning. In this case, I’m talking about how stress and anxiety from others could result in...

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