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  • Winter Break: Dec. 23-Jan. 6
  • Board of Education Meeting - Jan. 7
  • Fine Arts Open House - Jan. 9
  • Sensory Friendly Concert - Jan. 11
  • FAFSA Completion Workshop - Jan. 14
  • BHS/BMS Choir Festival - Jan. 14
  • Giordano Dance Concert - Jan. 18
  • MLK Day, No School - Jan. 20
  • BHS & BMS Jazz Festival - Jan. 22
  • ILMEA/IMEC All State Music Festival: Jan. 29-Feb. 1
The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

Neha Doppalapudi

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief

All content by Neha Doppalapudi
Sophomore Anshul Nadendla, senior Anna Gustafson, junior Sarah Fitzgerald, seniors Emily Won, Danny Pashkow, Kyra Sarantapolous and Neha Doppalapudi (from left to right) pose in front of an IHSA banner at the Heartland Community College gym. They began competing at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 1:00 p.m. Photo by Laura Minerva.

Barrington journalists place eighth at state competition

Daniel Pashkow and Neha Doppalapudi
Published April 26, 2024

After competing at the sectional competition earlier this month, nine Barrington journalists progressed to compete at the state level in Bloomington, IL. Barrington students who placed in the top three...

A map of preliminary damage reports from the storm system on Feb. 27. Each blue/green line is a path of a tornado from the storm. Photo courtesy of the National Weather Service

Tornado Troubles

On Tuesday, Feb. 27 there were reports of tornadoes across the Chicago area due to the severe thunderstorms. An unconfirmed number of 10 tornadoes were reported in both Illinois and northwestern Indiana....

So... you live in the suburbs

So… you live in the suburbs

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published December 12, 2023

So, you live in the Illinois suburbs. Laugh out loud. You live just far enough away from Chicago where you can’t totally participate in the city culture. So, what do you do for fun? If you find yourself...

Lindsay Lewis, a BHS alum, owns her own jewelry studio in Chicago. Lewis has been making jewelry since her first metalworking class in high school. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Lewis,

LAB: Lindsay Lewis (The Extended Version)

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published November 14, 2023

Barrington High School alum Lindsay Lewis didn’t think jewelry could make money. Not in high school, anyway. It wasn’t until Linda Dionesotes, the English department secretary at the time, bought...

ForReal RoundUp

ForReal RoundUp

Neha Doppalapudi, Alexis Mathai, Cassandra Nadalig, and Emily Won
Published March 16, 2023

Eighth hour is a flexible and diverse hour, for students and staff alike. Whether it be learning ballet scenes or figuring out what color to dye your hair, students and staff partake in unique activities...

Photo from IMDb.

Review: Avatar 2 was blue and boring

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published February 17, 2023

Remarkable CGI can only carry a movie for so long and “Avatar: The Way of Water” is three hours too long to be carried. The sequel takes place about a decade after the events of the first movie....

Students upset while watching World Cup match. Photo by Aarya Arun, '23.

World Cup craze: Emotions run high during World Cup games

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published December 14, 2022

Hordes of students, many sporting soccer jerseys, crowd around the commons TV, anxious as they track the soccer ball moving from one player to the next. As the ball moves toward the net, tensions rise....

At what cost?

At what cost?

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published November 17, 2022

AP Student While the rest of her family slept, junior Adaobi Ibe sat on her bedroom floor in the center of dimly lit academic chaos. She had a Chromebook in her lap, her iPad and her Advanced Placement...

Orchesis students dancing at spring performance. Photo courtesy of Jeff Doles.

Orchesis to hold fundraising gala

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published April 22, 2022

The 2022 Orchesis Gala is a fundraising event that will take place on Sunday, May 1 at Avante Banquets at 1050 Northwest Highway, Fox River Grove, IL. The event, which will take place from 11:30 a.m. to...

Meet the editor: Neha Doppalapudi

Meet the editor: Neha Doppalapudi

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published March 4, 2022

Hi! I’m Neha, one of the news editors for the RoundUp this school year! I’ve been a part of the RoundUp staff since my freshman year of high school, a year ago. My first year in journalism was spent...

Photo by Neha Doppalapudi

College Board no longer offering SAT Essay, Subject Tests

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published February 21, 2021

The College Board is no longer offering SAT Subject Tests and is going to stop administering the optional SAT Essay. The Subject Tests, the exams that test a particular subject, such as U.S. History, Chemistry,...

Review: 'On My Block' Netflix original

Review: ‘On My Block’ Netflix original

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published December 22, 2020

In the opening scene of Netflix’s On My Block, viewers see what can only be described as a stereotypical teenage party scene. You have hordes of teenagers clumped together against the walls and an assortment...

Student Advocacy: passion for equality

Student Advocacy: passion for equality

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published November 30, 2020

Junior Abigail Bergan has always had a strong passion when it came to equality for all— there’s no doubt about that. Starting when she was a sophomore, she began to dive deep into the world of activism....

POTW: Social distanced scooter play

POTW: Social distanced scooter play

Neha Doppalapudi, Editor-in-Chief
Published October 20, 2020

Scooters out, masks on! Fresh air is good for everybody, especially right now, considering how often we stay indoors. With the fortunately nice weather, many residents of the Estates at Inverness Ridge...

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