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  • Winter Break: Dec. 23-Jan. 6
  • Board of Education Meeting - Jan. 7
  • Fine Arts Open House - Jan. 9
  • Sensory Friendly Concert - Jan. 11
  • FAFSA Completion Workshop - Jan. 14
  • BHS/BMS Choir Festival - Jan. 14
  • Giordano Dance Concert - Jan. 18
  • MLK Day, No School - Jan. 20
  • BHS & BMS Jazz Festival - Jan. 22
  • ILMEA/IMEC All State Music Festival: Jan. 29-Feb. 1
The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

The Student News Site of Barrington High School

The RoundUp

Grace Tripathy

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief

All content by Grace Tripathy
Future healthcare professionals to internationals

Future healthcare professionals to internationals

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 10, 2021

As mentioned in a previous article, this marks the first year that the Future Healthcare Professionals of America club (FHP) is competing in the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Conference,...

Future healthcare professionals to state

Future healthcare professionals to state

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published March 6, 2021

This marks the first year that the Future Healthcare Professionals of America club (FHP) is competing in the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Conference, a national competition where...

Chef Eric Corradetti: redefining cafeteria food

Chef Eric Corradetti: redefining cafeteria food

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published November 30, 2020

The aromatic trinity of onion, celery, and bell peppers sautéed in garlic, herbs and Cajun spices intertwined with the scent of chicken, shrimp, and rice fills the kitchen with comfort and satisfaction....

Cut stress by chopping food

Cut stress by chopping food

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published November 20, 2020

With shelter-in-place orders in many states, work-from-home directives from many employers, and many public spaces such as theaters, museums, shops, and restaurants all shut down, people, such as myself,...

There is no ethical reason not to vote

There is no ethical reason not to vote

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published November 2, 2020

You have the power to decide on the quality of life you want for yourself and future generations. Voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about like public transportation, raising minimum...

Isolation turns dreams to reality

Isolation turns dreams to reality

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 28, 2020

A true lover of arts and crafts, senior Sophia Denison is always working on new projects, and seeking artsy inspiration at the nearest art store or thrift shop. As creating and designing are Denison’s...

MSL Champs to Regionals

MSL Champs to Regionals

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 22, 2020

On Saturday, October 17th, the Boy’s Cross Country Team ranked first in the Mid-Suburban League (MSL) Championships Conference at Hoffman Estates High School, with eleven runners placing in the top 25. “The...

Quarantined happiness

Quarantined happiness

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 16, 2020

Everyone I know is saddened and disappointed by us having no school, which is crazy to think about because no school is something everyone, at some point, dreams of. The idea of less stress and no worries,...

Grace Tripathy, Online Editor in Chief

Grace Tripathy, Online Editor in Chief

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published January 31, 2020

Board recap: McWilliams in Dancing with the Barrington Stars

Board recap: McWilliams in Dancing with the Barrington Stars

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published January 19, 2020

BHS Principal to participate in Dancing with the Barrington Stars In her report at the Jan. 14 meeting, Board President Penny Kazmierwelcomed everyone to come to support BHS Principal Steve McWilliams,...

Swanson's got skills

Swanson’s got skills

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published January 19, 2020

The anticipation of carrying a full load of classes, seeking social acceptance from new peers and adjusting to high school life can terrify incoming freshmen. The more daunting challenge for some student-athletes,...

Clean commons = common sense

Clean commons = common sense

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published January 19, 2020

The bell rings and students pour out of the Commons to get to their next class. Unnoticed trash left behind: empty food packages, forgotten notebook paper, a spilled drink. Collectively, students leave...

220 named a top workplace

220 named a top workplace

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published January 18, 2020

In today’s competitive marketplace, companies spend a lot of time talking about creating exceptional customer experiences. But do they make the same amount of effort for their employees? It’s a...

Barrington girls golfers, from left, Caroline Smith, Mara Janess and Sophia Sulkar display the Fillies' Class 2A state runner-up trophy Saturday at Hickory Point Golf Club in Decatur. Janess won the individual championship, while Smith was tied for third and Sulkar tied for fifth.

Girls’ golf: Janess wins state championship

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 28, 2019

For two days at the Hickory Point Golf Club in Decatur, the Stevenson and Barrington girls' golf team were in a tightly-contested match race for the Class 2A state championship. When it was over on...

POTW: October orchestra concert

POTW: October orchestra concert

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 27, 2019

Chamber Orchestra The Chamber Orchestra is highly accomplished students who play a stringed instrument and have successfully auditioned into the orchestra. Wind and percussion students wishing to perform...

What Kind Of A Flirt Are You?

What Kind Of A Flirt Are You?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 27, 2019

POTW: Fall experimental play, Pump Boys and Dinettes rehearsal

POTW: Fall experimental play, Pump Boys and Dinettes rehearsal

Grace Tripathy and Camille Wodarz
Published October 19, 2019

From November 14-16, students will be putting on performances of the fall experimental Pump Boys and Dinettes. With show dates fast approaching, students are in a rush of preparation. The show is a...

POTW: Touch screen TV

POTW: Touch screen TV

Grace Busch and Grace Tripathy
Published October 19, 2019

After a week of students and faculty passing by a mysterious red tent near the main entrance, BHS unveils another touch screen TV. This TV allows students, faculty, and guests to view BHS alumni as well...

How Well Do You Know 90s Music?

How Well Do You Know 90s Music?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 14, 2019

Marche and Tarun: HOCO King and Queen

Marche and Tarun: HOCO King and Queen

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 14, 2019

After weeks of prepping, homecoming week had finally arrived. On Friday, October 4th, student council revealed BHS’s 2019-2020 Homecoming King and Queen; seniors Marche Salley and Tarun Voruganti.  “Winning...

PSAT/NMSQT October 16th

PSAT/NMSQT October 16th

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 14, 2019

BHS will be administering the PSAT/NMSQT to all Juniors on October 16th, 2019. Juniors will have the opportunity to qualify for National Merit and have a chance to receive scholarships when performing...

POTW: New coffee bar, El Parche

POTW: New coffee bar, El Parche

Grace Tripathy and Bella Weyburn
Published October 14, 2019

Barrington High school's newly finished coffee bar, El Parche, opened at the end of September. It offers a wide variety of coffees; iced, hot, frappucino’s, and more. Not only does it offer coffee,...

POTW: Club photo day!

POTW: Club photo day!

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 14, 2019

Friday, October 11th, all BHS clubs were scheduled to take their club photos. Sponsors and advisers were to sign up their club for a five-minute photo slot, and the times ranged from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm. All...

POTW: 60010 Feeds Kids Fundraiser

POTW: 60010 Feeds Kids Fundraiser

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 14, 2019

Among the many clubs at Barrington High School, 60010 Feeds Kids is like no other. Saturday and Sunday, October 12th and 13th, the club hosted their annual Jewel Osco Fundraiser from 10 am-2 pm both days....

Fall Board of Education priorities 2019-2020

Fall Board of Education priorities 2019-2020

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 2, 2019

Every fall, the Board of Education selects its priorities for the upcoming school year. At its October 1st meeting, the Board approved seven priorities for 2019-20 (listed in alphabetical order):   1)...

One step closer to approving 'Distance Learning'

One step closer to approving ‘Distance Learning’

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 2, 2019

The board is one step closer to approving the Distance Learning Plan At its October 1st meeting, the Board of Education approved an eLearning verification form. This is required in order to utilize eLearning...

A closer look into the viral Area 51 meme

A closer look into the viral Area 51 meme

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 30, 2019

When 21-year-old Matty Roberts from Bakersfield, Ca.,  created a Facebook page titled “Raid Area 51: They Can’t Stop Us All,” the last thing he expected was the wave of people who would RSVP to...

Teenagers are attacked by anxiety

Teenagers are attacked by anxiety

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 29, 2019

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, worry, and concern all at the same time. There are places and situations where a little anxiety can be a good thing. In most places, however, it is negative. Anxiety...

District launches second annual Safety Week

District launches second annual Safety Week

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 26, 2019

District 220’s second week long safety campaign called “Safety 220” launches September 23, 2019. “Every student during that week will participate in drills, activities, and different safety...

This Global Warming Quiz Will Shock You!

This Global Warming Quiz Will Shock You!

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 25, 2019

Are You A Sushi Expert?

Are You A Sushi Expert?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 25, 2019

What Will People Say About You At Your Funeral?

What Will People Say About You At Your Funeral?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 25, 2019

Are You A Fit Father?

Are You A Fit Father?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 25, 2019

Which Stranger Things Character Is Your Soulmate?

Which Stranger Things Character Is Your Soulmate?

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 25, 2019



Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published September 14, 2019

On Friday, September 13th, Barrington High School's senior locker bank and world language department, each located in the west side of the building, flooded due to heavy rain. Three entrances and stairways,...

POTW: 2018-2019 Choir Banquet

POTW: 2018-2019 Choir Banquet

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published May 16, 2019

The annual Barrington High School choir banquet on Wednesday, May 15th was very exciting! This year's theme was "Every Voice," where the value of every student was recognized. Above, Fiona Cherry, choir...

In honor of A.J. Freund, Crystal Lake family starts 'Stuff The Duffel' campaign to collect donations for foster children.

New beginnings for children in crisis

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published May 13, 2019

In response to the recent Crystal Lake tragedy, Alicia Wehby, a mother of four children, including three former foster children whom she adopted, reached out to the Let It Be Us foster care organization...

Bonding between people and pets

Bonding between people and pets

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published May 11, 2019

Say hello to the Andreae family pets! Tiffany and Wayne Andreae, along with their two sons, Carter and Parker, share the everyday joy of four precious angels; Brody, Guinness, Greg, and Dart. “Carter...

POTW: The Trials of Robin Hood

POTW: The Trials of Robin Hood

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 28, 2019

Thursday, April 25th, Friday, April 26th, and Saturday, April 27th, BHS's theatre department presented a production of The Trials of Robin Hood. Told from the perspective of Robin himself, along with Maid...

The never-ending flight

The never-ending flight

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 26, 2019

We were in line, ready to board. My brother, Ryan, was in a bad mood, dreading the twenty-one-hour flight to come. My mom, however, was ready with about fifty downloaded movies from Netflix and Amazon...

POTW: JV Boy's Volleyball

POTW: JV Boy’s Volleyball

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 17, 2019

Thursday, April 11, Barrington’s Junior Varsity boys volleyball team versed William Fremd high school. Barrington takes the W: 1st set: 25-16 2nd set: 25-19



Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 10, 2019

Tuesday, April 9th, freshman through junior students crowd the hallways, waiting to take their PSAT or SAT. Freshman and sophomores groan as they wait for the doors to open to take their practice test....

Tripathy's to India!

Tripathy’s to India!

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 3, 2019

Although we have traveled to India several times before, every trip is different.  Normally we spend at least sixteen days in India, if not more; all of our family on my dads side is there. However, this...

POTW: Musical Appreciation Month

POTW: Musical Appreciation Month

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published April 1, 2019

Thursday, March 21st, the last day before spring break, BHS’s orchestra students and teachers scattered the building, spreading their instrumental talents to the students and staff. In the photo above,...

POTW: Bake sale!

POTW: Bake sale!

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published February 27, 2019

February 27th, after school in front of the library, Hope’s In created by Barrington alumni held a bake sale through Sophomore Class Board. The organization is designed to help build houses for families...

Coach Patrick Houk and the BHS Academic Challenge Team earned a perfect score and received 1st-place in the McHenry County Regional Competition.

Perfect score of 500

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published February 12, 2019

Coach Patrick and the Varsity Academic Challenge Team earned a perfect score on February 8th at regionals. Taking first place in the McHenry County Regional Competition, the team brushed off five of the...

Grace Tripathy and her baby cousin are shown crying because Thanksgiving food is so bad.

Thanksgiving in all its distasteful glory

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published November 25, 2018

The time to consume preposterous amounts of food, sit around with your family and offer token examples of your gratitude. People get off work and school to spend the day toiling in the kitchen, preparing...

Spotted: Grace and Tiegan are going off the grid!!!

Going off the grid… yay? or nay? from Grace

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published November 24, 2018

Going off-the-grid... Yay? Or nay? Inside every human being is a desire to pursue wild ambitions and discover new possibilities. There’s a would-be entrepreneur, motivational speaker, freelance writer,...

Positive peer pressures

Positive peer pressures

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 29, 2018

Peers influence your life, even if you don't realize it. Just by spending time with you; you learn from them, and they learn from you. It's human nature to listen to and learn from other people that are...

The lunchroom staff gathers together to celebrate the night of October 31, Halloween.

Super-food heroes

Grace Tripathy, Co-Editor-In-Chief
Published October 29, 2018

School cafeteria workers are just one of the many groups of people that contribute to children’s educations. They work alongside teachers, coaches, counselors, librarians and other school personnel...

OUR education from Grace and Tiegan

Grace Tripathy and Tiegan Bender
Published October 10, 2018

Where is the United States educational system on the outstanding-failure scale compared to the rest of the world? Public education could use some reform because its curriculum is currently based on The...

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